Category: Students
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Niikko Mantsinen
Versatile newbie in the field of media, whose professional skills cover a range of professions. Experience in audio production, videoproduction (as a camera operator, audio recorder, and post-production), and digital content production. Writing tasks and content production are his specialty. Has played the piano, practiced photography, and studied Japanese language as a hobby in the past. Student at Karelia University of Applied Sciences (2020-).

Venla Huldén
Olen Venla Huldén, 24-vuotias opiskelija Joensuusta. Esiintyminen on aina tuntunut minulle kodilta. Olen salolaisen Teatteri Provinssin kasvatti ja olen näytellyt 15 vuoden aikana mitä suurimmissa määrin musikaaleissa. Olen päässyt myös kurkistamaan muutamiin TV-tuotantoihin ja mainoksiin. Musiikkia (pop/jazz-laulu ja piano) olen harrastanut läpi elämäni. Olen uhreilullinen ja aktiivinen ihminen, joka rakastaa pysähtyä arjen pienien ilojen keskelle.

Mariia Gramovich
Olen Mariia. Opiskelen radio- ja TV alalla.
Olen kiinnostunut elokuvan visuaalisen tyylin/suunnittelun tuottamisesta ja luomisesta.
Minulla on luova mieli, jonka ansiosta voin tuoda projekteihin ainutlaatuisia ideoita. Pyrin huippuosaamiseen ja olen valmis tuomaan intohimoa, jota vaaditaan erinomaisten tulosten saavuttamiseksi kuvauksissa.

Katja Elisa Tarvainen
* Age: 31
* Habitation: Joensuu
* Eye colour: Greenish-brown
* Height: 175 cm
* Education:
I have completed my matriculation examination and studied cultural studies at the university. I have worked as a cleaner and I have also studied and worked in the social and health sector. I grew up in the country and farm work, including milking and tractor work, have become familiar.
* Abilities as an actor:
I am cheerful and playful by nature. I am a good listener and can create a team spirit. I am quick to read and internalize the text. My memory is also good and I remember lines easily. Use of voice is one of my particular strenghts. My voice carries far and is clear.

Anni Mehtonen
•Sex: Female• •Age: 22• •Habitation: Joensuu• •Eye colour: Blue• •Height: 170cm / 5'7• •Education: Savonlinna upper secondary of arts and music 2018-2021, Riveria folk highschool 2023-2024•
•Abilities as an actress: Clear and versatile voice • Quick to understand and to learn • Relaxed • Imaginative and creative towards roles and projects • Clear face features, expressions and body language • Charismatic control of space•