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MiskaKarioja_Cinematographer Companies


+358400550688 miska@miskakarioja.com


Miska Karioja is film industry entrepreneur from Joensuu, specialized in cinematography and editing.

Miska has over 10 years of working experience in the industry, and has worked in five feature films. In last two of those (MC-Helper 3 (2018) & Insite (coming in 2020)), he worked as a cinematographer, On top of this, he has taken part in hundreds of productions, including commercials, award-winning short films and music videos etc.

Miska owns RED EPIC-X 5K + accessories, you can find gear list and rental prices here:

Social media


  • INSITE (FEATURE FILM, 2020) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9383658/
  • MC-HELPER 3 (FEATURE FILM, 2018) - https://elisaviihde.fi/aitio/elokuvat/12166/MC-Helper-3
  • FIREPROVEN - SHINE (AWARD WINNING MUSIC VIDEO, 2017) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4GZAZdLv9Y

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